Independent Study & Honors Thesis

Independent Study & Honors Thesis

Independent Study

Looking to get involved in your undergraduate experience in Psychology?

PSY 199, 299, 399, 499

Independent Study courses are available for all students who are interested in developing research and special interest projects. Students must contact the faculty member with whom they would like to pursue an independent study with, design an Independent Study program, and complete the Independent Study Proposal Form.  

Be sure to enroll in the appropriate section number assigned to your faculty mentor for the following courses. Students in Independent Studies receive grades: S, P, F. 

  • First Year: PSY 199
  • Sophomores: PSY 299
  • Juniors: PSY 399
  • Seniors: PSY 499

Once completed and signed, return the Independent Study Proposal Form to Psychology, Room 312 or email it to

Honors Thesis

PSY 498H

Honors Theses are normally taken as a two-semester sequence. In the first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member. During the second semester, the student writes a thesis that presents the result of their research.

Students must contact the faculty member with whom they would like to pursue a thesis with well before the beginning of the semester. The student must work with the Instructor to design a thesis, and complete the Honors Thesis Prospectus Form.

Each faculty member has a separate thesis section number for registration purposes. Students receive grades: A, B, C, D, E.

To enroll in your Honors Thesis units, please fill out the Independent Study Form, selecting PSY 498H. 

Once completed and signed, return the Independent Study Proposal Form to Psychology, Room 312 or email it to